Thursday, 31 October 2013

Halloween Nails

Just thought I'd do a quick Halloween nail of the day. I chose to do "dripping blood" nails, and seeing I'm going as Carrie to a Halloween party tomorrow, it kind of suited! As a base coat I used Barry M Gelly in Lychee, Barry M in Bright Red to do the blood red and a white nail art pen to just do the little bits of "light" effect.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

River Island Wishlist #1 || October

Black Ribbon Trim Fedora Hat
These style of hats are very on trend at the minute and I must admit, I do quite like them. Even though I'm more of a beanie girl, I do think hats like this can add an extra something to an outfit, and as this one if black it will go with most things so I really want to try it out!

Black Chelsea Girl Ditsy Ombre Slip DressMy favourite clothing item to wear all year round is a dress. So easy to slip on whatever the season is, on it's own in the summer or just with a pair of tights in the winter. I think this dress is perfect for either, although colour wise I'd say would be more on trend in the Autumn/Winter due to it being mainly black and red.

Gold Tone Gem Stone Statement Ring
Rings are my favourite jewellery item and I'm always looking for new ones to add to my collection. This one is a great statement piece as it's quite big and blingy, and would be a great addition to a night out outfit. Not sure it's appropriate for everyday wear though!

Dark Red Contrast Zip Base Tote Bag
I love a good bag, and this one is a definitely a good one. I like fairly big bags as I usually have a lot to put in them! I also like bags that can go with a lot of outfits and that I'll get a lot of use out of. I love this colour of this bag, and I actually don't have one like it so I really want to invest in this little beauty!

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Rimmel London Moisture Renew Lipstick | REVIEW


This past week or so, Rimmel London have been running competitions on their facebook to win a different lipstick every day from their new moisture renew range and I won the colour As You Want Victoria! It came in the post pretty quickly and I tried it out straight away.
 This lipstick range has actually been revamped, so they claim to be more moisturising and more brightly coloured, but as I've never tried the previous collection I can't compare. What I will say though is that I do really like this lipstick. I don't really like matte lipsticks as they are just far too drying and don't look nice on me at all, so this being a "moisture renew" lipstick is obviously very handy!
 As You Want Victoria is a bright pink colour with reddish/purple undertones, and as it claims, is really moisturising! It glides on really easily and you don't need that much for a big impact. It lasts on the lips for a good few hours but eating and drinking isn't exactly the best idea as it rubs off quite easily!
 Overall I am really impressed with this new range and I'm excited to try out the other colours they have to offer - I'm looking at you Notting Hill Nude!

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Favourite Lip Products

(L-R) Baby Lips in Peach Kiss, Rimmel London Apocolips Lip Lacquer in Nude Eclipse, Bourjois Colour Boost Lip Crayon in Peach on The Beach, Rimmel London Kate Moss lipstick in 05 and MAC lipstick in Snob
LUSH lip scrub in Bubblegum
I've had this scrub for quite and while and I can honestly say it does wonders for my lips, especially in the winter. You just gently rub it on your lips and it removes the dead skin leaving them super soft! What I love about this scrub is that it tastes just like bubblegum and as it's only sugar you can eat it after you've rubbed it on your lips! (haha that sounds quite odd).

Vaseline Limited Edition 
in Pink Jubbly
After I've used the lip scrub I pop some vaseline on and the one I'm using at the moment is this Pink Jubbly one. No need to elaborate much on Vaseline, I think everyone knows how great it is and how much of saviour it is when our lips need their moisture back!

Maybelline Baby Lips in Peach Kiss
These are a new edition to the UK high street, even though they've been around for a long time in the US and I instantly wanted to try them. I have this one and I also have the mint fresh one but I prefer this one as it gives a tiny hint of colour with a bit of shimmer. This range is super moisturising and I also think the packaging is really cute. Winner!

Rimmel London Kate Moss Lipstick in 05
These seem to be the "drug store" lipstick of the moment, and it's not really a surprise to me. These are the normal lipsticks which add a sheen and there are also the matte lipsticks in the collection. I much prefer the normal ones as they don't dry out your lips like matte lipsticks do. This lipstick is a lovely peachy pink colour which I wear quite often as it goes with most make - up looks and is just a really nice colour.

MAC lipstick in Snob
I've been aware of MAC for a while, but never could justify paying a whopping £15 for a lipstick! But earlier this year I bit the bullet and picked the colour "snob". It's an amazing pink colour with blue undertones and is in the finish "satin" so glides on really easily and isn't drying. So glad I bought this as it's one of my favourite lipsticks!

Bourjois Colour Boost Lip Crayon in Peach on the Beach
There are so many different versions of the lip crayons I just didn't really know which one to try out, but after reading many blog posts and watch quite a  few beauty videos that mentioned these ones by Bourjois, I decided to give them a go. This product has the pigment of a lipstick but the formula of a mix between a lipgloss, which I actually really like. The formula isn't drying at all and I think products like these are a little more wearable than lipsticks. I really want to try the other colours in this range!

Rimmel London Apocolips Lip Lacquer in Nude Eclipse
This is one of my favourite current lip products. It's a mix between a lipstick and a lipgloss, and has long lasting wear. This one is a nude colour which is great with pairing with a smokey eye look, and I also have one in pink as well. They've just released new shades which I would like to try out as these little beauties are so worth it!

What are your favourite lip products?  x

Saturday, 12 October 2013

WISHLIST || Topshop || September

My all time favourite shop is Topshop so I thought I'd do a wishlist for this month.

Moto Gingham Print Joni JeansI love printed trousers as I think they are such a bold piece you can have in your wardrobe and really make a statement. I really love these ones and I think the print is one that will go with quite alot. A plain white top, a plain black top or a loose shirt.

Rose Print Corset Tunic
Dresses are probably my favourite clothing item, you can wear them in the summer or in the winter with tights. I Think this  blue dress would be an amaaazing addition to my ever growing collection of dresses, the colour is stunning and I think the pattern is really pretty too!

Black Embroidered Shorts
I know they're probably not appropriate for this season unless you wear them with tights, but I think in the summer these shorts would be fab. I love the cut out detail at the bottom and think these would be great for a holiday or even on a night out!

Grey Crush Velvet Skater Skirt
As a lot of people will have already picked up, velvet is very on trend at the moment and I do admit I quite like the look. I'm not sure I'd be brave enough to wear a velvet dress so I thought just go half way and wear a skirt, which you'd probably be able to pair with more things anyway. I love this grey one as I like the skater style and think it would look great paired with black tights and little ankle boots.

Monday, 7 October 2013

NEW || Barry M Textured Nail Polish || Majesty

When I saw that Boots were releasing these little beauties, and after a little preview of what they looked like courtesy of the lovely Lily Melrose's blog post, I knew I had to try them! After all, Barry M is my all time favourite nail polish brand.
 Majesty is part of the new royal glitter collection and it is a mixture of gold and silver glitters and only takes two coats to make opaque. I didn't put a topcoat on because obviously that would defeat the point of this polish, but if you don't like the textured feel you could always add a topcoat on and it would still look good! I'm gonna put this out there, I think this is my new favourite polish of all time. I love glitter polish anyway but this just gives it an extra dimension and I think the collection is amazing. I really want the other 4 polishes now! And at £3.99 each, why not?!

Have you checked this collection out yet? What are your thoughts?  x

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

REVIEW || Max Factor Max Effect Mini Nail Polish

Nail Polish in Fantasy Fire
I actually saw this nail polish on another blog post (I would link it but I can't remember who's it was, sorry!) and thought wow, I need to try that! So when I was in Boots the other day I picked it up to give it a whirl :) and I'm sooo glad I did.
 The main colour of this polish is purple, but it has an almost holographic effect so in certain lights it looks all sorts of colours, including blue, green and pink! When it's actually on the nails the under colour is a reddish orange which I wouldn't normally put with purple but it looks amazing! You need about 3 coats to get it opaque and to see the full effect of the holographic(ness) but it stays on really well and only chipped a tiny amount after around 5 days of wearing it which I don't think is that bad. Would definitely advise people to go out and buy this polish it's amazing!

Do you have any favourite nail polishes you can recommend?  x

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

September Favourites

It's that time again. I know everyone says it but I can't believe how quickly this year is going, only feels like yesterday I was at a New Year's Eve party thinking about the year ahead!
 My first favourite is this L'Oreal Paris Elnett Satin extra strength and sleep perfection Hairspray. Now I've been using Elnett hairspray for a very long time, but this one is in my favourites because the smell is so much nicer than the normal Elnett Hairspray! I don't know exactly what it is but I feel like this one has a sweeter smell whereas the other, in my opinion, just doesn't smell nice at all, which isn't very good when you keep getting a waft of it throughout the day.

My next favourite is the Maybelline Mega Plush Volume Express mascara. I've been using the same mascara for over a year (Seventeen Blowout Mascara) and after watching many beauty guru's on Youtube who rave about Maybelline Mascara's, I knew I had to try one. This mascara is just fab, it lengthens lashes, and volumises them without clumping which I think everyone looks for in a mascara. The ONLY negative thing about this mascara is when I put it on the bottom lashes, it rubs off under my eyes and half way through the day I end up looking like a panda..

Another favourite of mine this month is the Bourjois Colour Boost Lip Crayon in Peach on The Beach. This is just such a lovely colour, and the formula is so nice as well, it has the same coverage as a lipstick, but in glossy form! It's not drying on the lips and just feels and looks lovely!

When I went to London the other week, I went into Boots and after months of wanting one, I finally picked up a half pink half purple tangle teaser. This is different to your bog standard brush as you can use it on dry and wet hair without damaging it! It just glides through your hair getting out all the knots and tangles without pulling and I just think it's a great product. I definitely recommend!

My last beauty favourites of this month are two nail polishes. Both sort of nude colours with one being from Collection and the other Barry M (of course). The collection 2000 polish is in the colour "Milkshake" and is a lovely brown/pink/orange shade. I wore it the other day and it was so shiny unlike some other polishes which need a few coats of top coat to make it look half decent! It didn't chip and is just a lovely colour for Autumn time :) The Barry M polish is in the shade vanilla which I picked up whilst in London in the Topshop Oxford Circus branch and it has a matte finish which I love. This polish is also a great Autumn colour!

Now I have two favourite songs of the month, both from two lovely boybands!

The first is The Vamps - Can We Dance. Just a lovely catchy song that always gets me singing along!

Lastly is Lawson - Juliet. I am a big fan of Lawson and always think they bring out such great songs!

Do you have any favourites of this month? x