Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Latest Haul

I popped into town the other day and picked up a few bits I thought I would share with you!
Obviously my first port of call was Boots, where I picked up the Revlon ColourStay foundation in Buff that I've been wanting to try for quite a while as I have oily/combination skin and this is designed for that. First impressions are it's really good and I find it quite similar to MAC's studio fix which is great for me as it's nearly half the price! The next item I picked up was a Maybelline colour sensational vivids lipstick in shocking coral, which I find to be more pink than red and even though I've never tried it, the colour reminds me of the MAC lipstick Louise from Sprinkle of Glitter raved about last year called "Candy Yum Yum". The last item I picked up from Boots is the product everyone and their mother have been talking about; Maybelline Baby Skin. I always give in to the beauty blogging rave and have to invest in a product that everyone is talking about and loving. I've only worn it once so far so I haven't had a chance to get a real feel for it but I think I'll do a review of it soon when I've had a proper chance to see what it is like!
 I also visited Topshop (quelle surprise) and saw this jumper as soon as I walked into the shop and I loved it. I actually had to go back a second time to buy it because I didn't the first time but knew I couldn't leave without it. It's such a gorgeous mint green colour, which is my all time favourite colour and is really cosy so perfect for keeping warm this time of year!

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