Last Thursday (14/11/13), I was the luckiest person ever to be able to get tickets to the One Direction book signing. I knew this would probably be my one and only chance to meet them and and the fact they haven't done a signing for like 2 years knew I at least had to try and get tickets. So on Monday (18/11/13) I took the train to London with my Mum to head to Alexandra Palace where they were having the signing. We joined the queue and I actually thought we were quite far behind as there were loads of people in front of us but actually a lot more people turned up after us so we were quite near the front on the queue after all. When we arrived we got searched really thoroughly, it felt like I was at airport security! We then got given a pink wristband, and a copy of the book and a free perfume sample of "Our Moment". We queued for around an hour and a half just sat/standing in one place. where they were playing the Take Me Home album, and I embarrassingly started to cry because I was just so overwhelmed haha. Then we started to move into another larger room and you could just about see the room where they were setting up for the boys. When we were waiting I spotted Paul (bodyguard and tour manager) walking around in a suit, and he was taking a few selfies with some fans aha, then a little while after Eleanor (Louis' girlfriend) came through some doors and walked right past me After a few false alarms of loud screams from girls, there was a massive roar that lasted for a while so we knew they had definitely arrived! My mum actually managed to stay in the queue with me and meet them as well, then this security guard asked if we had any gifts for the boys (I had a letter) which we had to put in the massive plastic bag which I was a bit sceptical about.. I made him promise that the boys would get it, and he promised although I still doubt they actually will, there was so many gifts/letters for them. Then this lady took my book to pass along to the boys and just like that the 5 most perfect and important people to me were sat behind a table right in front of me!! Louis was first, he asked me how I was bless him, it took me ages to reply because I just couldn't talk haha but eventually I replied and said I'm good thanks how are you? And he smiled and said yeah good thanks :) Then Zayn signed my book and I said thank you and he gave me the biggest, cutest smile ever I melted, he's such a babe. Then Niall was next and I asked him for a hug and he gave me on and ahh it was amazing! After that I got shoved on a bit because whilst I was hugging Niall my book had already been signed by Liam and was now with Harry who was on the end so I didn't really get to talk to him :( but I looked at him and he smiled at me, and he did actually thank my Mum for waiting, how cute bless him. Then I was with Harry, and I asked him if I could have a hug and he said yeah so we had a lovely hug (I will never forget) then as he was finishing signing a book (think it was mine aha) I said "I love you" he looked up and said "I love you too" and oh my, I literally died on the spot. Harry Styles told me he loves me!! Don't think I will ever get over that.. I'm glad we were quite near the front as I've seen a few tweets/videos from people further back in the queue who asked for a hug and security just said "no you can't have a hug" which is quite rude if you ask me. So I was really lucky! After that I came out of the venue and just cried because I couldn't believe I had met my idols, after 3 years of being a fan ever since they were on The X Factor. I'm honestly so honoured that I was one a select few who got to meet them because I never thought it would happen and I know people will never get a chance like this so I am so grateful I can't even describe. It was the best day of my whole life.